Sunday, 19 July 2015

Record Breaking...

Another early start today. I headed down to Romney Marsh for the annual 10k race (organised by my parents' company, Nice Work). Before leaving the house, I took the pooches for a tootle through the coppiced woodland near my Parents' house. I love early morning walks, today was approximately 6.30am, however I cannot stand the whole cobweb-in-face sensation. Bleurgh.

Today was a complete joke. I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said with every footstep I got a mouthful of bumsilk. I was then plagued with the paranoia of having tiny little spiders crawling all over me. When I was younger I uses to swing a lead in front of me to break the webs before walking through them. Now, with two dogs on lead (both with very little lead discipline), I can't do this, so I stumbled along, half blind as cobwebs-in-contact-lenses is worse than the standard cobweb-in-face so I spent much of the walk with my eyes closed. I'm not a massive spider lover, I find them interesting creatures but I have to admit they kind of give me the heebie-jeebies.

I've only really had to work with spiders twice in my life, and both were very fascinating. The first was during a work trial I had at Longleat Safari Park in the summer I first graduated (I sadly had to turn down the job offer due to other commitments). I breezed through the interview and group stages of the application process and then got invited back to the centre for a trial with their education and presentation team. I did a bit of research before hand and found the main areas they carry out talks and workshops was in the reptile and creep crawlies house. I'm generally fine with most, but spiders and ants were going to cause me problems. I'm always up for overcoming my fear, and being still at Uni I sought the help from one of my lecturers, Sara. She worked in the same lab where I was carrying out my dissertation research and we became quite well acquainted; anyway, she had a pet spider. A Chilean Rose tarantula to be precise, and her name was Lola. I came in to the lab a few days before my trial day and asked if I could perhaps handle her a little, just in case I get to Longleat and have to hold some big arse spider down there. I don't suppose saying 'no' would bode well, equally saying 'yes' and then freaking out. Sara actually turned me down and said I couldn't due to Lola being a bit grumpy and the urticating hairs on her body, they'd give me a nasty rash. She did allow me to feed her and we had a chat about handling techniques etc. so it wasn't all in vain. Needless to say, I get to Longleat and my first task is to handle a bloody Chilean Rose... I could just hear Sara's warnings running through my head, despite the Longleat staff member reassuring me that this particular spider was very docile and used to being handled. I did well. I didn't freak out and managed to remain composed - and I got the job!

A Crab Spider's 'tent'
 The other time I've worked with our 8-legged friends was on an ecological and behavioural field course out in Portugal. I carried out an investigation on a species of crab spider, Synema globosum, and its predator behaviour. These spiders are so incredibly fascinating. They use their silk to pull petals over their heads, building small tents in which they hide and await their prey. When flying pollinators (honeybees mainly) come along to feed on the flower's nectar, the spiders strike and perform an attack 'dance'. There are 7 stages that can be identified, starting with 'arm waving' and ending in a full 'bite'. As the spiders bite they attach a piece of silk to their prey, so as it flies away and dies mid-air, it falls to hang from the flower. The spider then just reels it in and feeds. The study I was involved in looked at whether prey type and gender of spider had any affect on the attack rate of the spiders. These particular little spiders were weirdly cute and had some bizarre behaviours that were fascinating to observe; plus after spending 2 weeks traipsing through 8 hectares of scrubland searching for 'tents', I grew to love them. I also took the opportunity to take some pretty cool piccies...
Bumblebee checking out a Lavender inflorescence
A Crab Spider on a Chrysanthemum coronarium

Back to my 10k this morning... I got a PB!! Bloody chuffed considering I've been injured pretty much solidly since December. I also got cake. Woohoo.

Song of the Day:
Cocoon - Catfish & The Bottlemen
- a fairly new band on the indie scene, but they've certainly taken it by storm. I saw them with my brother at the XFM Winterland Festival last December, and once you get over how much hair is on stage (seriously, so much hair...), they are just an incredibly raw and refreshing sound. This song off their debut album is punchy and punky and with a quick tempo which is great to run to. The song is pretty short, and probably a bit wordy for most, but it's really catchy and I can't help but tap along. The whole album is a great running soundtrack and I'm sure it had somethign to do with my speedy race this morning. Thanks lads!

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